Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I am a divorced father of two working as a software engineer. As my kids are younger, I spend a lot of time planning my visits and organizing my time around that.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Terrifying Times

With all of the talk about terror, the war on terror you have to be concerned with the world that we live in. But among all of that, what scares me most is the people who claim to be protecting us from these threats.

The US scares me. The polarization of the conservative and liberal agendas and the intolerance that the current government shows towards people who do not share their point of view is not a positive development in our world. Worse in a country which describes itself as the 'home of the free'. How can one cherish freedom, free-speech and at the same time condem those that make it.

The scariest part of this is that I do not see it changing. For 20 of 28 years we have had successively more conservative, Republican adminstrations in the US. Each time it has become worse, starting with Reagan and now with Bush jr, who is by far the worst. Is it the rise in the power of the evangelical churches which is to blame? Is it their influence over the President which is causing this issue. Why is the church the least tolerant of other people when their very teaches were for tolerance. Christianity teaches tolerance, yet they are not?