Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I am a divorced father of two working as a software engineer. As my kids are younger, I spend a lot of time planning my visits and organizing my time around that.

Sunday, February 13, 2005


Living in Canada, being a smaller country living beside a strong neighbour we are constantly under attack to become just another part of their world.
Canada, being a strng country will resist this...but we have to do more.

Case in point. In Quebec over the past week the employees in a store, an American chain, decided to become unionized. Whether you support trade unions, or not is not really the issue, it is the chain's actions post this event. They decided to close the store, shutter the windows.

I am led to believe that this is simply another tactic to which this chain has traditionally used to crush fledging unions as they are anti-union. Another tactic is to crush the competition, then close the store forcing consumers to a larger store, consolidating business.

I think we need to end this in this country. If this means we pay a little more for the things that these stores offer, then we she be prepared to pay it. I would like to shop when I know that the store at which I am shopping is Canadian owned, or at least attempts to look out for the employees who work their. This chain, and possibly others, feel their employees are expendible commodities.

Maybe it is time to shift.