Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I am a divorced father of two working as a software engineer. As my kids are younger, I spend a lot of time planning my visits and organizing my time around that.

Monday, October 11, 2004


One of the beauties of the Canadian style ( actually, it is formed after the British, but for argument I will let it stand) government is that we have a direct opposition. We force our governing legislators to argue over each and every bill, directly, rather than a system such as the American where a bill is normally submitted to be reviewed.

In any case, right now we are in an unusual situation where the governing part does not have enough seats to pass a bill if and when all of the opposition parties, there are 3, vote against them. And, in the Canadian system, if certain types of bills are voted down, they are considered a motion of confidence and will bring the government down, forcing another election.
Over the past few weeks, the opposition parties have set out to do just that. I find this disappointing as they committed that they would not subjec the Canadian people to another election and that they would work with the government. But, it would appear, that they are intent on flexing their opposition muscle.

In one way I hope they succeed. History has shown that when this happens, the electorate punishes the people responsible and majority governments occur. I would prefer that our governing party have a majority, albiet a bare one, which would permit them to pass bills and get stuff done. Right now, it appears we will have a confidence motion for each and every bill, so we will be slowed to a standstill.