Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I am a divorced father of two working as a software engineer. As my kids are younger, I spend a lot of time planning my visits and organizing my time around that.

Saturday, September 18, 2004


Kelowna, Saturday September 18, 2004: 10:10am

Very wet today, raining pretty hard on my world. I hauled the bikes up yesterday, with the pretense of getting some riding in this weekend. Was looking fairly ok when I arrived, but overnight it has decided to rain, and rain pretty heavy.
Going to be an inside day, that is for sure. Hope it clears for tomorrow so we can get some riding in, but might as well be prepared for rain the entire weekend.

When I stopped at the tollboth, to check the bikes, it was quite cool outside. I can see the first snows on the top of the Coquihalla mountains, so winter will be early this year. Have to start looking at getting the tires changed over, might have to be in early to mid October, rather than November when I normally get them done. One of my tires has a gash in it, need to ask them if that is ok or whether I should trade the 3 good ones in and get a new set. Was planning to get one more season out of them and trade them in for a new set next year. With the winter driving I do, it makes no sense to trust my life to winter tires with poor tread.
These tires have been very impressive. They were not expensive, one of those less brands (Snowtrakker by Kelly Sprin*gfield I believe), but I have been more than impressed by them. I have had Mich*elins before and was not impressed. I think it has to do with the type of snow we receive here, compared to France where they are designed.

The kids are off with their cousins, allowing me to do a few chores. Daniel has gained considerable weight these past months and I am quite concerned. He has also grown out of his pants, so I am trying to help him out and get a few new pairs. Hard getting the size right though. I thought the 8s with the elastic waist would be good enough, but no, looks like a 10 will have to be the size. They make an 8 husky, but not sure he is that large, 10 might be good enough.
The kids told me that Sandra disposes of any clothes with colours that she does not approve of. Great. Heather looks fantastic in orange, but I guess Sandra does not approve. Last year, I bought Heather a really nice halloween shirt, a faded orange with a witch (on a broomstick) on it. She looked great. I heard it was junked.
I really pisses me off to be honest. Most of the clothes which are sent down on a week are awful. I have taken to keeping a set here, but it makes no sense, the kids should wear the clothes.
I cringe when I think of what they wear on a daily basis at home. I think I have plunked down $1,000 in the past year on clothes, so I would hope they are wearing them.

It is tough, if we were getting along better we would not have this issue, we would share the responsibility for making sure the kids were looking and feeling good. It just seems that I have more of the share of concerns, that Sandra does everything in her power to separate herself from everyone. It could be a pride thing, more than likely a power thing.