Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I am a divorced father of two working as a software engineer. As my kids are younger, I spend a lot of time planning my visits and organizing my time around that.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Been Awhile

I have not posted in a while, been quite busy and meant to post last weekend, but it just never seemed to happen.

I went up earlier last week, Thursday evening, and I am going to try and do that again as it made my Friday considerably less stressful. Normally, I race out of work at noon and it is a sprint from that point onwards to get everything done I need to get done. This would include picking up groceries for the weekend, as well as the other maintenance tasks that I need to do.
Going up on Thursday allowed me to relax a little, and I was able to get a few groceries during the day. I can work fairly effectively when I am remote, so as long as I can continue to do that I would like to try.

The weekend was beautiful, one of those sunny fall weekends, cool though. We were able to get out bike riding along with our other normal weekend activities. Hoping that the weather changes for next weekend so we can do that again.

I have been curling a great deal and I guess it is ok. I am feeling a little stressed by my Wednesday night league. This is the highest calibre league I am in, and the players there have been together for 15 years, so they are accustomed to each other. I am a new player, and a young player, and I am struggling to find a place. I was not curling consistantly on Wednesday night and I am feeling that I let the other members of the team down.
I know that I will get there, but sometimes you have to wonder if I have stretched too far and should have joined a lower calibre league. I think that the team, notably the Third, would like to be in the next higher division, not in the D division, but I am not sure that they will reach that with me.
It is frustrating as last year my weight, and the consistency of my weight was a key factor in my decisions for this year and which leagues I would join. The new stones that we are using, and the new ice conditions, is causing me tremendous problems. I guess being a junior player I have more difficulty in figuring all of this out, than someone who has played for a while.
I do like the team, and enjoy curling with them and would like to continue, but I have to recognize the limitations that I will place on them.

On Wednesday, after all of the above, I received a note that the kids were going to Calgary for the weekend. The note was given to me with only 3 days notice, much less than the required 14 days notice. This is really frustrating as, although I would not have prevented them from going, I would like the agreement followed with the appropriate notice given. I know, unfortunately, that they are going to be visiting their maternal grandfather, a man I would prefer that they never see or spend time with. He is an evil man, who has caused great difficultly and strife within her family as a whole, and continues to cause pain.

At the end of the day I cannot prevent her actions. She, and the decisions that she makes, the things that she does; are a tremendous disappointment as they are made without any regard to the overall well-being of the children.