Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I am a divorced father of two working as a software engineer. As my kids are younger, I spend a lot of time planning my visits and organizing my time around that.

Saturday, October 08, 2005


We have a teachers strike on at the moment. This is a tough one to judge. I am not in favour of teachers having the right to deny their services to children just as I don't believe doctors, nurses, policemen or firefighters should have that right either.
They are an essential service. However, if you take away that right from a person you need to replace it with a mechanism which allows them to be treated fairly.

The first thing I would like is a separation from the financial issue of salaries and the classroom conditions. Just as a private company does not allow their employees to dictate to them the conditions within the company, the teachers should not be allowed to dictate those terms. I do believe that they have a voice in that though. There should be an independent panel with representatives from both sides who decide on those factors.
It is hard for me to consider a 15% wage increase (over 3 years) when I myself have had nothing for 4 years now, and probably none again this year. Part of this money is considered 'catch up'. This is the part I don't understand. The teacher's union states that other teachers, in other provinces are getting more money than they are. So, they want to play catch-up. Why? Software Engineers in Toronto make more money than I do, I pay for the priviledge of living here. If I approached my employer and said 'give me the same money as a Torontonian' they would tell me to move to Toronto.
If teachers feel that Alberta gets more money, then move to have a right to move your services to whichever place suites you, and your financial desires. However, if you want to live in Lotus-Land, then you are going to have to accept the wages offered.
As far as a wage increase, that is different. I think all people deserve to have a fair and equitable wage increase. Costs are going up, things are expensive and we need to keep up with that.

I should note that a wage increase which matches inflation, drives inflation.

I am hoping that this will be settled soon, and fairly....but I think you can bargain better when you are working than when you are not.