Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I am a divorced father of two working as a software engineer. As my kids are younger, I spend a lot of time planning my visits and organizing my time around that.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Post Election

We are still a country. We were coming dangerously close over the past few weeks of having the ex-Reform, ex-Alliance, now Conservative party rule the roost and ultimately destroy this country. I am constantly amazed at how the Liberal bashing drives peoples motives, overrules their intelligence and makes them vote for a party. Especially a party which contains members, not far removed from the ultra-right wing roots of the Reform party.
A wolfe in sheeps clothing is still a wolfe.

It has been a busy time for me. I enjoyed my weekend (past), as I usually do, but they are tiring. I did not arrive at 2am this time, thankfully, but it was pushing midnight when I finally arrived back. I was bringing back the bikes, so I could not travel as quickly as I normally do, and caution made me stop periodically and check that things were still attached. Last year, around this time, I had a different bike rack and attempted this trip. What a disaster, things were not looking good, so 1/2 way I stopped and stuffed and rammed the bikes into my car. That was not a lot of fun. This year I have a better bike rack, but I still approach it cautiously.
Nice to have the bikes here. I expect to do a lot of riding around, we usually do, Daniel really likes to bike ride.

I am somewhat concerned about his weight gain and am trying to figure out why he has put on the pounds. He is normally fairly active when I see him, but maybe the influence of video games and sloth-like activities has not helped. He needs to be active, is better when he is active.
Hard for me to monitor and do much about though, except when I see them.

The weather has continued to be dry allowing me to blade each night. My kms for June are at 320km right now, should top 350km if the weather holds. Running about 850km right now, but July and August will be a little slower due to other schedules, but I should be able to accumulate at least 150km each of those months, reaching my 1,200km goal before September.
My blades are holding together, but they are definitely showing their age. Tried to get new laces on Saturday, but the store I went to does not sell blading laces. Interesting, they sell lots of blades, but no laces. They recommended the manufacturers web-site and I think I will just order it there.

I am off for the the coming couple of weeks. I need a break from the daily grind. Will be good to spend some time away. Having the kids with me we will be busy, but the time will go quickly.
I guess I have to pretend to do some work. Not a heck of a lot on the plate right now, still waiting for others to deliver.