Weeble's Adventures

Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I am a divorced father of two working as a software engineer. As my kids are younger, I spend a lot of time planning my visits and organizing my time around that.

Saturday, March 12, 2005


Wal*Mart has received some press of late due to the employees of a number of stores seeking union certification. I am not a big union fan, however the whole concept of trade unions was introduced during a time when employers (Ford and other auto manufactures) were treating employees as commodities.
I believe that this time is coming again, and stores such as Wal*Mart will find themselves the centre of attention. Their labour practises are awful and society should not allow this to continue. The events which occured in Quebec where Wal*Mart closed a store which had just voted to certify a union are simply unacceptable.
Maybe this is ok in the United States, but wait a minute, we are not in the US and should not act in the same way. Our labour codes should prevent this from occurring, in fact, Wal*Mart stated it would do this if the union was indeed certified. Hmmm, sounds like a threat...there are laws against using threats to influence the outcome of votes.
Good for the employees of the store to stand up and say 'no', we will vote based on the evidence in front of us, not some scare tactic.

We as consumers have a choice here. We can chose to support, or withdraw our support; from stores who we feel do not act appropriately. I, for one, have chosen to do just that.