Weeble's Adventures

Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I am a divorced father of two working as a software engineer. As my kids are younger, I spend a lot of time planning my visits and organizing my time around that.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004


Been a while since I posted. A busy time of year this can be. It was a good Christmas all-told. The snow fell on Christmas Eve allowing us to wake up to snow. Nothing better than snow on Christmas morning.

Picking up my kids was uneventful on Boxing Day, and I even got to speak to them on Christmas morning which has not happened in a while.

More later

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Jury Duty

I was called to be selected for jury duty. This happened before, for a civil trial, a few years back. Civil trials are normally settled before they go to trial and this was the case with this one as well.

However, this was a criminal trial, so I did not expect it to be cancelled. It was originally scheduled for November 4th, but it was then postponed til December 2nd. When they postponed it the sheriff indicated that it was scheduled for 29days...yikes.
My employer was freaked, I was freaked....6 weeks.

It got me thinking about jurys. Maybe the time and place for jurys are gone. A whole bunch of people who know nothing, or next to nothing, about the law making judgement on someones life.. Maybe we should rethink all of this. A judicial tribunal might be more appropriate, their legal view would be more appropriate and correct.

They cancelled the case in any case....another 2 year reprieve.

Parking Spot

Funny how the trivial things in life affect us. My apartment only has 10 parking spots. This means that someone has to die before you get a spot.
Well, enough people have passed away....I have a spot.

Didn't actually think it mattered that much, but I guess it is convenient...that is for sure. Nice to not have to hunt around for a spot on the street. This will be especially important on Sunday nights when I come in from the interior.

The only bad thing is I have to fight off the neighbours now...