Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I am a divorced father of two working as a software engineer. As my kids are younger, I spend a lot of time planning my visits and organizing my time around that.

Friday, July 02, 2004

The Day After

Holidays which fall on a specific day, Canada Day being one of them, are weird. You get yourself all settled in to a week, into the rhythmn, and all of a sudden you are not at work, just for a day mind-you, but enough to throw the entire week out.
For me, working with American customers, it causes no end of issues as they are still working, getting Monday off this year, so they call expecting that you are diligently at your desk working away.
I might be the only one here today, the place is empty. Thursday being the holiday (day) this year, a lot of people took Friday off, making for a nice 4-day weekend. There was no traffic coming in to work, looks like it will be very quiet here.

Looking forward to a couple of weeks off, I need the break. It will be busy though, and the time goes by very, very quickly as well. Will be heading out of town after work today, probably arrive in Kelowna a little after 9pm. I pick up the kids tomorrow morning, and will head to Vancouver shortly afterwards.
Daniel is anxious to get his hair cut, so I might do that before we leave. Not sure whether Heather wants to get a trim. She really suites hair which is slightly shorter, bobbed, but she has been convinced to grow her hair 'like mommy's' and told that she lucks ugly in shorter hair. This is very unfortunate. She has very fine hair, similar to mine, which becomes quite difficult to manage when it is longer. It ends up being stringy.
I will talk to her, a slight trim would be nice for the holidays, clean up her bangs and the back.
It is funny how important their appearance has become to me these days. Maybe it is because I see their self-esteem as a critical factor in how they survive the constant chaos and difficulties which continue to exist. Not sure. I have spent a considerable amount of money lately on clothes. I wanted them to have new clothes for the summer. Most of the clothes I have been receiving in the suitecase have been too small, 2-3 sizes too small, and often ragged and worn. It is frustrating for me as I have sent up a lot of clothing in the past year, much of which I do not receive back again. Just recently, I sent up 3 pairs of shorts for Daniel, but I have not seen these again.
You have to wonder if he wears them, or if they are piled up in a box. It is a constant quandry I face as the kids like the clothes I buy, and ask to bring them home, but I don't see them again. So, do I force them to change before I send them home, or take the chance?