Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I am a divorced father of two working as a software engineer. As my kids are younger, I spend a lot of time planning my visits and organizing my time around that.

Sunday, July 25, 2004

lazy days and Sundays

Sunday has to be my favourite day of the week. I enjoy having a coffee and reading the newspaper, usually the paper I just did not get a chance to read on Saturday.

Looks like it will be another hot day today. As wth yesterday, I went for an early blade to beat the heat, and hopefully the wind which has been ever-present this past week. Not sure what else is in store for the day, probably housework as I have a busy couple of weeks pending. My new corporate laptop has a wireless network card, so I want to pick up a wireless hub so I can 'roam about the place'. Ultimately, this will go up to the other house so I can access work and the internet remotely. It is a nice laptop, runs fairly warm though being a P4, but I like the keyboard and I am getting used to the mouse. Nice large screen which makes it convenient for working.
Our old machines were fast becoming a problem with our development. I was spending a lot of time 'watching grass grow', waiting for it to come back with a new file, etc.

It would be nice to get out and take some photos today, but it is promising to be just too warm. Being south-facing, my apartment tends to warm up during the day. Early mornings are wonderful, but afternoons are not the best time for staying here. Not sure what to do about dinner tonight, something cool again. It is promising to cool off next week, which will be nice, although I really enjoy the dry weather we are having.

Work continues to be very difficult. I had hoped that with a 2 week absence I would come back to many of the issues I had left, resolved. This turned out to be not the case. In fact, nothing had been accomplished, and it was only after I raised the flag that things were initiated. That makes this a very advesarial process, one that I particularly do not enjoy. I would like to change this, but I am powerless as it is another group who have defined the rules of engagement. We had our quarter announcement last week, and as expected we lost more money. I am beginning to wonder how much longer we have. However, even this announcement did not seem to change the people who are delaying our ability to deliver, and actually make money. Figure that one out.

Next week I have the kids again, but I am juggling work and their daycamp schedule. I picked up their itinerary yesterday and it looks like a pretty fabulous week is in store for them. The week following week I am planning to go to the island to visit grand-parents, which will be very nice. The kids always enjoy that. I am hoping to get to the coast, but we will see how our week goes with all of the activity we have planned we might have to skip something. It is amazing how quickly time goes. Once I am back I have a 3 week gap before labour day, when I see them again and our regular schedule re-commences.
I really enjoy having the kids, but it is a lot to arrange with me living here, and them there. If I lived closer it would be easier, but for now that is not the case, and not something which will happen soon, at least as I see it. I think they would enjoy and benefit from more contact as well.

ta-ta for now....