Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I am a divorced father of two working as a software engineer. As my kids are younger, I spend a lot of time planning my visits and organizing my time around that.

Friday, August 06, 2004

long week

I am tired...hoping that the touch of cold I am feeling is more because of the amount of work I have been doing this week, than a real cold.

The kids have had fun this week, these daycamps are fantastic. However, it takes a big toll on me. They do not start until 9:15am, then I race off to work. They end at 3:30pm, and race home from work. The daycamp is 20min away from home, so it adds 80min a day to my travel time. Then, because I do not get a full day in, I work when I get home and in the evenings. Because we were in the middle of a project, crunch time, I was working until 1am most nights, up early getting lunches ready. Man, you get tired after a while.
I guess if I were to do this for any length of time I would establish routines with other people who and would share the load. For me, I don't have any of these things setup, so it is ALL me. I don't mind, but it does wear you down.

We are off tomorrow to Port Alberni, booked a 12:30pm ferry. We will stop in Nanaimo, at the pool, and have a blow-off-some-energy. Hope Heather is feeling ok...she has been coughing a little, but not too bad. Going to let them both sleep in tomorrow while I get things ready to go, just have to pack the car and go.
Not sure how long we will stay in PA, maybe till Friday. Need to figure that out quickly and get our travel plans settled. Will head to Kelowna after that, finishing my two weeks. I cannot believe that it has only been 1 week, tomorrow. Yikes, feels like longer. The kids are tired, smiling and happy, so what more can you ask.