Weeble's Adventures

Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I am a divorced father of two working as a software engineer. As my kids are younger, I spend a lot of time planning my visits and organizing my time around that.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Another banner month

Like a repeating posting.....

June's weather has not been great, but as long as the roads are dry I can continue to blade. Earlier in the month I had the unfortunate incident of losing a wheel while blading. This meant I had to order a new set of wheels and bearings, as well as an axel and spacer, to replace the one missing item.
These arrived mid-month, but really did not impact my kms that much as I continued to blade on 9 wheels, while waiting.

So, the result was that I have been able to put in 383km this month. Today is looking like it will repeat the pattern, cloudy, cool but dry....so that will increase to probably 406km tonight. That would be the first time I have ever put in 400km in a month.
I broke some other records this month as well. I had a 168km week, as well, I had 2 blades which were 30km in length and I had a 46km day. These are all records.
My blade average is also 17.5km which will be a record as well at the end of the year.

I am about 10% above last years totals to date, so I should easily reach my 1,500km goal. This will probably happen sometime in August, or at worst, in early September. My opportunity for blading drops in July and August (15 blades per month), but that is still 690km if I can blade each of these days at 23km which is my new daily committment.

I will be looking at replacing my 5x80mm this year with a 5x84mm frame. This will be a bit expensive though as I have to replace the frame and wheels. I could re-use the bearings, but I will probably get a new set of those as well. The 5x84mm is a little more standard, should be quicker as well, not that speed is my primary motive. Still a thought, but I will probably get a new set of wheels and bearings in any case, so might as well move to the next size up.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Father's Day

I have been a dad for about 10 years now, but I never recognized how important Father's Day was until I became separated/divorced. The day holds significantly more value to me now as I have had to fight for every day, every hour I spend with my kids.

It is also important to remind and show them that the differences between myself, and their mother are important to their lives.

So, to all fathers out there, have a good day...enjoy your children...make it special for them.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Another banner month

The weather this June has been inclement, to say the least, but I seem to be making progress towards another record month.

As of today, I need about 115km to reach my 368km record set last month. This is 5 blades (assuming 23km each blade), which should be easily achieved this month.
I am away next month, so that will drop the number of days I have remaining, so it might still be a little tight.

Tracking my totals against what I was achieving last year, I am on or over target meaning I should easily reach my 1,500km goal. Yesterday I tried something new. Along with my new wheels and bearings I received something which immitates a sock. It is made of neoprene and being quite slippery offers great protection to my ankles which continue to be sore and blister-prone.
I wish I had had this a year ago, things might have been easier. I will have to order a few more of them. It felt very strange, however, not to have socks on in my boots. I will try wearing my CoolMax socks today, if the weather holds and I am able to get out. This should absorb the sweat which my feet generate.

Monday, June 13, 2005


I inline-skate practically every day, and consider myself fairly good at it. I rarely, if ever fall and have (thankfully) never done any serious injury to myself on the road.

I wear a helmet, and I wear wrist protection when I blade. I consider it pretty darn important. Just as, when I bike I wear a helmet whether the kids are with me, or whether they are not.

Yesterday, when I stopped for something to eat on my way home from the interior I noted a family, dad and daughter on bikes, and mom on inline skates...not wearing helmets or any other protective gear. I figured that mom must be a good blader, as some people do not wear any protection...but nope, when I watched her she looked uncomfortable and not at ease on her blades.

Bad form people. Noth withstanding that it is the law where I live to wear protection (it is not, but should be for blading as well as biking), it is just intelligent. It also is something you want to encourage and pass on to your children, good habits.