Weeble's Adventures

Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I am a divorced father of two working as a software engineer. As my kids are younger, I spend a lot of time planning my visits and organizing my time around that.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Legal Aid

I was reading an article in Thursday's paper about the reduction in legal aid funds, and the impact that this is having on lower-income women, and their battles for custody of their children.

It was a disappointing arcticle in a variety of ways. Although I agree that the legal process is an expensive and terrifying venue for most, even with legal representation, I question some of the motives of the groups complaining.

According to Geoff Plant (Attorney General), the legal-aid funds were encouraging litigation between couples, rather than other, less adversarial mechanisms. I would tend to agree with this statement, especially from my own experiences. My (now ex) wife, upon receiving representation through the legal-aid process, stated unequivically that she now had a lawyer and was going to 'kick my ass'. I believe that the use of lawyers in family disputes increases the animosity between couples, who realistically are attempting to achieve balance, for the sake of the children. The courts do not care about the children.
My ex-wife was not represented in our court proceedings. The judge took that into consideration and at no time did I feel that she was at a disadvantage. In fact, she had the advantage as I was represented and the judge sided with her in the proceedings, read that I lost big-time.

The whole process is flawed. The article cites that women are losing their children due to lack of funding. Huh, their children? Since when are the children born into a relationship solely the responsibility of the women. Excuse me. I am a far superior parent than my wife, but situation has so far not permitted me to be the primary guardian of my two children. Women do not have any natural pre-disposition to being parents. They lost their children to the fathers who, in the eyes of the court, were better parents and could better fufill the needs of the children at that time.
I personally do not see any issues with that whatsoever. I believe that this evaluation should be done outside of the courts however. I believe that in the context of a contested custody battle, that an independent evaluation is done and the working-custodial arrangement is decided based on that evaluation. I also believe that it should be enforced, without having to go to court.
I had to go to court just to have my rights to see and to be a part of my children's lives maintained. I still have difficulties, despite the court order. So do other people.

I believe that my (ex) wife is mentally ill. But this does not appear to factor in to anything. She has never been evaluated, and never will unless she does something overt which harms the children. She does not that, but harms the children in a variety of ways which are just as damaging, but not direct. At this time she denies the children contact with their maternal grandmother, phone or phsyical contact, she blocks and reduces my contact and access and is constantly advertising her anger and hatred of me to the children. She has encouraged the children against school, and has not taken appropriate measures to maintain their care.

No one cares. No one listens. There is little, if anything I can do to change any of this. I have gone the full distance through the courts and there is not much further I can do. I have to just work with it, time will tell, but so far it has not worked.

So, in conclusion, power to you, drop legal-aid for family 'squabbles'. However, take that money and try and make some changes which help, not hinder fathers and their attempts to have a good relationship with their children. It matters.


A lot of people dis curling. From the initial view, it is not a tremendously exciting sport, and does not appear challenging. However, once played it is much more difficult than at first it appears. Granted, it is not an aerobic sport, although sweeping can produce shortness of breath.

This year I have decided to increase my level of curling. I continue to curl in the novice league which offers a good venue to increase your skills in a non-competitive manner, but I also decided to curl in the mens league. I hope that I can contnue, because I will learn an incredible amount if I am allowed to curl at this level. Wondering if I jumped too far. I think that, in many cases, when you reach the end of your novice days, you go into the next league as a group, people who have curled together. Here I am joining an established team.
There are other leagues and my hope is that I have not chosen badly.

So, all told I will be curling 5 times each two weeks and trying to practise in addition to that. I am hopeful that this will improve my level of playing.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Not as much ouch

Second time is a charm. Well, maybe not quite a charm, but not nearly as painful as the first time. The frame did not slip out this time, which made the world of difference. The road is not in great condition as they are hauling dirt again....needs a rainfall to clear it up.
Will take some time to get used to the blades. It is funny, they do not feel as fast as my older blades, but I am pretty sure I am moving quicker. I think my stride is longer and there is less effort in going the same distance.

On my way to work this morning, I was watching a man, riding a bicycle with a cigarette dangling out of his mouth. Now, this may be the right plan for smokers everywhere. The harmfull effects of smoking counteracted by the bike ride while you are puffing.

I had a pretty good weekend in Kelowna. It was somewhat wet on Saturday, but on Sunday the rain cleared. So, we were able to get out on the bikes. We rode to City Park, and the Dragon Boat Festival was on. We were able to watch a race and then carried on for Hot Chocolate. After that Daniel indicated that he wanted to go to the bookstore. It was all the way across town, but he really wanted to go for a long ride.
Well, we set out...and he made it all the way there (and back of course). I was really impressed, good ride.

Saturday, September 18, 2004


Kelowna, Saturday September 18, 2004: 10:10am

Very wet today, raining pretty hard on my world. I hauled the bikes up yesterday, with the pretense of getting some riding in this weekend. Was looking fairly ok when I arrived, but overnight it has decided to rain, and rain pretty heavy.
Going to be an inside day, that is for sure. Hope it clears for tomorrow so we can get some riding in, but might as well be prepared for rain the entire weekend.

When I stopped at the tollboth, to check the bikes, it was quite cool outside. I can see the first snows on the top of the Coquihalla mountains, so winter will be early this year. Have to start looking at getting the tires changed over, might have to be in early to mid October, rather than November when I normally get them done. One of my tires has a gash in it, need to ask them if that is ok or whether I should trade the 3 good ones in and get a new set. Was planning to get one more season out of them and trade them in for a new set next year. With the winter driving I do, it makes no sense to trust my life to winter tires with poor tread.
These tires have been very impressive. They were not expensive, one of those less brands (Snowtrakker by Kelly Sprin*gfield I believe), but I have been more than impressed by them. I have had Mich*elins before and was not impressed. I think it has to do with the type of snow we receive here, compared to France where they are designed.

The kids are off with their cousins, allowing me to do a few chores. Daniel has gained considerable weight these past months and I am quite concerned. He has also grown out of his pants, so I am trying to help him out and get a few new pairs. Hard getting the size right though. I thought the 8s with the elastic waist would be good enough, but no, looks like a 10 will have to be the size. They make an 8 husky, but not sure he is that large, 10 might be good enough.
The kids told me that Sandra disposes of any clothes with colours that she does not approve of. Great. Heather looks fantastic in orange, but I guess Sandra does not approve. Last year, I bought Heather a really nice halloween shirt, a faded orange with a witch (on a broomstick) on it. She looked great. I heard it was junked.
I really pisses me off to be honest. Most of the clothes which are sent down on a week are awful. I have taken to keeping a set here, but it makes no sense, the kids should wear the clothes.
I cringe when I think of what they wear on a daily basis at home. I think I have plunked down $1,000 in the past year on clothes, so I would hope they are wearing them.

It is tough, if we were getting along better we would not have this issue, we would share the responsibility for making sure the kids were looking and feeling good. It just seems that I have more of the share of concerns, that Sandra does everything in her power to separate herself from everyone. It could be a pride thing, more than likely a power thing.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004


I received my new blades yesterday, yesterday being Tuesday. Been waiting for two weeks. Unfortunately the weather was not cooperating.

Today, Wednesday, the weather suddenly cleared, the sun came out and dried the road. I raced home and went out on my new blades. Managed to get out about 1km, and the truck slipped from the boot, so I hobbled back to get a wrench (thankfully I brought it) and tightened everything up again.

The boots need breaking in, they are very, very stiff and blading was not without its share of pain. Managed to get out about 4km and the boots slipped again. I brought the tool with me.

I am very sore tonight, after finishing the 15km. Major blisters on my ankles where the cuff of the boots are and I am pretty darn sore. I remember when I bought my last pair of blades. When I used to come home from a blade I would be in major pain, even getting the blades off was painful. I anticipate the same break-in period for these ones. Nice that it has begun.

Hopefully the weather will hold and I will get another blade in before the weekend and some rest of my sore parts.

Sunday, September 12, 2004


Was reading today about Colorado. They have a proposal on the books to modify the way the electoral college votes are divided. They want it changed to be a proportional representation, based on the percentage of voters for each party.

Way to go Colorado, 'bout time. The electoral college is a stupid system. In reading the article, it would appear that Maine and Nebraska already have a modified proportional system.

So, what do the opponents of this system say. Well, they state that none of the candidates will ever visit the state as it will never be in play.

Well, interesting comment. So, the most important thing about the US election is that the candidate will spend a couple of days campainging there. What about the rest of the 4 years?
In Canada, we have a proportional system, based on our local candidates. Now, we generally vote for our local candidates, but in the back there is always a consideration about the party, and the leader of that party. This may result in chosing a less than ideal local candidate, for a better leader. Maybe not perfect, but at least my vote matters.

I think that the US system needs change, and what Colorado is doing is the first step in that. Good for them.

Day of Rememberance

I missed it a little. One could not really forget what happened, yesterday, 3 years ago, nor where we were when it happened.

I remember arriving at work, and my next-door cube-mate asking me if I had heard the news. No, I had not. Evidently, a plane had crashed into one of the World Trade Center towers and it was on fire. The rest of the day was pretty much spent watching the unfolding drama, the newscasts and what was happening.

The world seems to have changed as a result. This level of terror was always present, always there; but it became much more in focus for us, here in North America, after that date. I am old enough to remember the strife in Beruit, the troubles in Northern Ireland and other terrorist hot-spots around the world. In fact, I used to travel to Northern Ireland as a child (with my parents) and had first-hand witness to the results of that terror. We were searched going in or out of stores, or in or out of Belfast. You could not leave your car unattended in the main town of Lurgan and I was around the corner when a bomb went off.
What happened 3 years ago was different. It was close, in our cities in which we have always felt safe. Terrorist activities were things which happened in other countries.

I am not sure what the coming years will bring. Not a big fan of the American approach to this. Their feeling that their way of life, their values are in themselves the correct values is not the appropriate reaction. This is a worldwide issue, not exclusive to the US or the problem which confronted us on 9/11. The US does not have a right to seek justice on another country for the acts of an individual. Even more so their actions against Iraq.
I see my own country reacting to things that the Americans are doing, and I am concerned. There is talk about IDing landed immigrants, through fingerprints. There has even been talk about extending that to all Canadians. No way. There is absolutely no reason for our government to collect this information from me, or from the 99.99999% of immigrants to this country who arrive here to start a new life. We accept these individuals into our country and we should treat them with the respect with which we treat all Canadians. They are not foreigners, but people who have expressed a desire to come to this country. In fact, most immigrant people show more respect for Canada than some of the people who were born here.
But yes, we need to make sure that we screen and verify people who are coming to this country, and every citizen of Canada has a responsibility to respect others, as Canadians.

Recently, during the Olympics, there was an Iranian wrestler (I believe) who refused to compete against an Israeli competitor. His government, through the ambassador to Greece stated that they shared his views.
The IOC should have immediately thrown then entire Iranian team out of the Olympics. Their statements and opinions contradict the whole premise of the Olympics and the IOC, through their complete inaction gave weight to these views. This was NOT one athletes view, but the view of the Iranian government, expressed through their ambassador. That cannot be tolerated.

Only when the world starts to establish and live by a code of conduct that is intolerant of these statements will terrorism become more difficult to support. International bodies, such as the UN or IOC have to be the first to stand up and be accountable for these values.
Kudos to Greece, by the way, for a fantastic Olympics.

Sunday Reflections

Sunday, the day of reflection. Well, at least for me. This is the day where I quietly contemplate where things are in my life. I am not religious, although I was raised that way, but I still consider Sunday to be a special day.

For example, I do not like to work on a Sunday. That has to have been established through my upbringing, that Sunday was the special family day. You need a day like that, whether it was established based on a religious tradition, or another way. It is impossible for someone to work 7 days a week. I work pretty hard, upward of 60+ hours a week. No issues or complaints, but I burn out and I think that Sunday is the day I need.

Now, today, what are my thoughts.

1) Grey. It is kinda grey outside, but dry (despite the forecasts), so I should be able to squeeze a blade in before the rains come, if they do come.
2) Pants. Need to look at some pants for Daniel, jeans specifically.
3) House. I definitely have to do something about the recycling.

Pretty drab huh, but it is Sunday and you are allowed those drab, mundane thoughts on a Sunday. Now, if this were Saturday, those thoughts would be forbidden, Saturday is the 'do' day, the day you run around and do things.

Saturday, September 11, 2004


Normally, September is a very nice month, dry and warm. This year that seems not to be the case. The last week has been quite cool and wet. Last night was absolutely nasty.
It was like November, with torrential rain and leaves all over the ground. It was also dark, really dark.

Break out the woolies.

This morning, being Saturday, is cool but I just saw the sun shining. Hoping to get out for a blade as this week has been problematic, with work and weather issues. I have a touch of a cold as well, possibly due to the inversion, maybe due to other factors. I should be ok, good to get out and sweat. My new blades have not yet arrived, which makes me a little mad. They were sent via mail, and that could take a while. I was hoping for a good month to break them in, but with the weather and their late arrival, that might not happen. I should be patient, but I had expected them to be couriered, so hearing that they were mailed was not impressive.

Curling starts soon. I noticed that the open-houses at the Richmond Winter Club are on the 19th. Not in town that day, but I might wander over one day. I really have to call Marpole and get that all sorted out, that should be starting soon as well. I was hoping to curl more times a week this year, but will have to see if I can arrange it, and financially handle it. This time of year I have money in the bank as my CPP and EI are paid up, so they are not taken off my bi-weekly cheque. This is great, but ends in January. Try to be more intelligent about the use of this money, putting it away, against my RRSP or in the kids RESP would be its proper deployment. Gives me a bit of a chance to get ready for Christmas.

Trying to think about Christmas now so that it is not a big financial and timewise rush come December. Have to plan out Daniel's birthday as well, which is in late December as well as my dad's 70th. Just what do you get a 70 year old man, I have some ideas, but it is not easy.

My wireless router is working great, I love it. I can roam about the house. at will wth my work laptop, which is great. Using at work does not seem to work very well, not sure why. Seems to connect and disconnect all of the time, not so at home. Have to ask about that, would have thought that our work connections would be pretty good, they have wireless routers all over the building. That really is the way to go. Now, if we could get wireless hotspots all over the city we would be sitting pretty.

Monday, September 06, 2004


Every morning I go for coffee at Starbee. On the same block as my java destination there parks a car.
Now, this happened last year as well. For quite some time, normally 2-3 days of the week, this car was parked on the block. It appeared to be filled with stuff, and I gathered after a few glances that someone was living in the car. The car moves, and sometimes it was gone for a few days, only to return.
I saw the person who was residing in the car when she went for coffee, and she looked reasonably well dressed. Definitely not the picture you would normally conjure when you thought of someone who is homeless.

Well, the car disappeared for some time. She had moved on, or maybe found accomodation. Last week, however, I note it is back.

A few years ago there were reports about the housing situation in Alberta. It was going through a boom, especially Calgary, and people were unable to find accomodation. These were families, people with good paying jobs and opportunities, but they just could not find a place to live. It makes you wonder.
And, I begin to wonder about this lady, her status, what makes her live out of her car, what situation has forced her to be like this.

Labour Day

Back so soon?

It was a shorter weekend for me than was expected, or hoped for. I dropped the kids off on Sunday at 10am, so I travelled down and was home by about 5pm.

The wireless router worked which was great, giving me the ability to do a little work this weekend. That will make it a lot easier to support all of the things which are going on around me, even when I am in the little house.
I picked up another wireless router yesterday, they are inexpensive nowadays, and have set it up here in my local place. It is handy to have, rather than stringing cables across the floor.

In one way it is nice to have a day off before I return to work. Normally, I arrive fairly late and it knocks me back fairly far for Monday. I will have a day here to do a few things around the place, get some groceries, before the grind starts for the week.
We had a pretty good weekend, went to the IPE in Armstrong, went swimming. The kids had a good time playing with their cousins, really good time. Heather especially is really enjoying her cousin, which is fantastic. It makes it much easier when they are off playing, and look forward to their visits.